DMPS Test Message
The safety, security and well-being of our students and staff is always a top priority at Des Moines Public Schools. As winter draws near, and weather-related closings, delays or dismissals become a possibility, we want to make sure people receive announcements as soon as they are made and delivered.
That’s why DMPS will be testing our automated message system this month. On November 20th at 2:30 PM a test message will be sent out five ways: telephone, text message, email, the Infinite Campus mobile app and/or the Infinite Campus parent portal.
If you do not currently have an Infinite Campus parent portal account, please contact the main office of your student’s school. They will be able to give you the activation key and directions on how to create your account. Download the Infinite Campus mobile app to access student information on your smartphone or tablet. After you download the app you will need to enter the district’s ID, which is JQZPSD.
In addition, to receive news and information about DMPS at any time, be sure to download the DMPS mobile app (available for iPhone and Android) and follow the school district on Twitter and Facebook.